Las Vegas is the first city in the world with a commercial Loop system

The Boring Company, owned by Elon Musk, is not dead. Recently, it is not talked about much, but soon the world will develop and see the first effects of implementing the concept of transport underground.

Last May, the corporation received approval and huge funds to build a future transport system called Loop in Las Vegas. Authorities have seen enormous potential in this form of transport after the first tests of the Los Angeles system. We remind you that it was in the City of Angels that a 2 km experimental episode was created.

The City of Gambling authorities want to use the benefits of the Loop system to communicate the most important parts of the city. Two tunnels, leading in both directions, are to be 1,600 meters long and connect the casino street and the airport to the conference center with three stations. The choice was not accidental, the center belongs to the Las Vegas Tourism Agency and is visited by over a million people annually.

The Las Vegas authorities want to use the capabilities of special Loop vehicles in the tunnels, which can transport up to 16 people on their decks, as well as platforms for cars. Ultimately, Loop will carry up to 4,400 passengers per hour. The cost of building the entire future travel infrastructure is expected to absorb $50 million and become a showcase of the city not only in the United States but also around the world. The first tourists will be able to use the Loop at the beginning of 2021.

Although the popularization of this innovative form of transport in the world is a caress of the future, it has to start somewhere and here Elon Musk deserves a round of applause for his determination in implementing his innovative visions that are to improve the quality of life for millions of people living on our planet.

Elon Musk is sure that the network of such underground tunnels will eliminate the problem of traffic jams in metropolises. For now, volunteers can test the first of them, which is about 2 kilometers long and lies in Los Angeles. Apparently, such a tunnel length does not allow efficient communication of distant parts of the metropolis, but we must remember that the project is still in the experimental phase. Despite this fact, anyone willing can ride the tunnel inside the fully electric Model X and not waste time in traffic jams between 105 Freeway and Hawthorne Municipal Airport.

The Loop system works great. The car is picked up by a special elevator from the street and then lowered into the tunnel with a diameter of 3.4 meters. Once in the tunnel, special bumpers/stabilizers equipped with wheels are attached to the wheels. For now, the car is moving in a tunnel between the SpaceX headquarters and the O’Leary station, at a speed of about 60 km/h (soon it will be 130 km/h, and ultimately 240 km/h). Interestingly, it uses its own drive. We can count on quick access to the global network via wi-fi along the entire route.

The Boring Company already has a contract for the construction of the Loop system not only from the city authorities of Los Angeles, but also Chicago. In both cases, underground tunnels will connect the city center with international airports and are to be the fastest and cheapest form of transport for residents. Musk wants the fare to not exceed $1.

Interestingly, the billionaire quietly launched the first branch of his company The Boring Company in August last year. The super-fast Hyperloop railway and the tunnels of the Loop transport system will make millions of people living every day in ever-expanding metropolises able to count on greater comfort of travel. Every year more and more new cars are sold in China. In 2030, about 30 million are to be sold annually. Road infrastructure will not accommodate them all, so you will have to move them underground.

Recently, information has emerged that The Boring Company will help build the successor to the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN institute near Switzerland (see here). The government of the middle state also announced the construction of a similar device, but even larger than the European one. Perhaps the billionaire will also offer his help there.