Saudi Arabia to build the world’s largest solar park 

In the coming years, Saudi Arabia wants to not only strongly alleviate the conservative customs, but also to invest in ecological energy sources.

Saudi Arabia is changing its face. The local government is raising sky-high funds to build the largest, most futuristic and technologically advanced metropolis on Earth called Neom. Huge solar parks will be built in that area. 

You might have heard that the largest installation of this type in the world will be built in the vicinity of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, and now it turns out that it is now obsolete, because in Saudi Arabia there will be as much as 300 times bigger investment and 100 times bigger than currently the largest in the world, or Solar Choice Bulli Creek PV Plant in Australia.

The facility will have a capacity of up to 200 GW. Its construction will consume a sky-high 200 billion USD, and the workplace will find 100,000 people. Saudi Arabia invests as much as it can in renewable energy sources because of the need to become independent of oil. In the coming years, in addition to solar parks, several nuclear power plants will be built on the Arabian Peninsula.

The plan of the country's authorities is clear. By 2030, it will operate only on energy obtained from renewable sources. Looking at the Arabs through the prism of their financial resources and investments carried out on a grand scale, we can be sure that they will fulfill their visions well before the set date.

As we mentioned, Saudi Arabia is really changing it face in many other ways. For instance, they have started to issue tourist visas for the first time this year. Before 2019, it was impossible to visit Saudi Arabia as a tourist. Now, they build a heaven in the country to welcome more tourists. Furthermore, they have started to advertise it in Europe to get more tourists. This was something impossible in the near future. 

Additionally, they know well that Solar Parks can save the future of the country. All other countries try to find an alternative to oils and petrols. They have to do something to open their countries to the world. This is a huge step for the country in fact. 

Well, they are not building a solar park but building the world’s largest solar park. This is a huge investment for the country’s future. 

Australia and Dubai will be ‘a little bit’ behind of Saudi Arabia. But we will see which country will take the next step after this one.