The first wind turbine will fly to Venus

We have recently heard that Americans and Russians are planning research missions for the twin of our planet. Now we find out that NASA has announced a competition in which it wants to choose the best research rover project.

Everyone can take part in it. Just send the concept of the rover and the electronics installed on its board. The device is able to withstand extremely high temperatures, reaching up to 450 degrees Celsius and high atmospheric pressure. It is worth emphasizing here that the winning project will be awarded an amount of up to $15,000.

Some time ago we shared the news with you that NASA is planning several missions on Venus. Yes, this is one of them. 

The rover should be powered by a wind turbine, because electricity on the surface of this planet can easily be obtained by using the power of strong winds. Due to the high temperature and dense atmosphere, there is no question of using solar panels and batteries.

NASA has been building a research rover in JPL laboratories for some time, but now it needs specialized sensors that will allow the device to bypass obstacles efficiently. The application is recruited on the crowdfunding platform site and will last until May 29.

The governments of both countries want to send landers and probes there, and are even thinking about building in the atmosphere the first research base that is to become a window to this fascinating globe. Everything seems to indicate that the coming years may turn our understanding of space around us in the matter of extraterrestrial life.

Several billion years ago, the atmosphere of Venus was more similar to Earth's, and there were probably significant amounts of liquid water on the surface, but the evaporation of these primitive oceans caused an avalanche greenhouse effect, up to a critical level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Astrobiologists believe that, despite the hell of the atmosphere, we can be dealing with common microscopic life groups that have been calmly developing there for billions of years.