NASA presented spectacular panoramas straight from the surface of the Moon
Every now and then the agency treats us with beautiful multimedia materials, and all this on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the landing of people on the moon. This time you can see this mysterious object in a broader perspective.
NASA has published completely new panoramic images of surfaces that were created from the combination of restored photographs taken by astronauts flying Silver Globe as part of the Apollo program. We must admit that the views, although showing a barren desert, are breathtaking. In the end, we are dealing here with a strange world shown in images in great quality.
Most of the panoramas are prepared by Warren Harold, a NASA image specialist working at the Johnson Space Center. He was involved in the tedious work of connecting the 70-millimeter Hasselblad camera frames used by astronauts in Apollo missions.

One of the panoramas, showing the landing site of Apollo 17 in the Taurus-Littrow valley, really moved Harrison Schmitt, a geologist specializing in the Apollo 17 mission. Schmitt noted that this is "one of the most spectacular natural scenes in the solar system". After seeing a glorious image, it's hard not to agree that this is one of the most spectacular images from the surface of the celestial body we've seen.
The 360-degree image from the Apollo 17 mission is available on the NASA Johnson Space Center website. Enjoy the eyes with views from the Silver Globe, because they were made in such a great quality. Maybe you will see the surface of the moon with your own eyes for your life. Let's keep our fingers crossed for the successful implementation of the Artemis program, which will allow humanity to return there and live permanently.
In the near past, it was a dream to live in the space. However, now we read and write a lot about the air-spaces, moon and NASA. This is something we will be much more familiar in the near future. Stay tuned with us to follow the news up closer.