This Commodore 64 is still being used in Poland!
Category : Technology
Can you Imagıne that Commodore 64 is still being used at an auto repair shop since 1991 in Gdansk, one of the cutest cities of Poland? It’s a fantastically true story.
It’s like a time machine. At that auto repair shop, there is a self-designed balancer, whose work has been continuously controlled by the Commodore 64 computer since 1991. The world media have become interested in the extraordinary life of this equipment.
The computer is connected to an equally old Neptun 156 monitor and amplifier. Moreover, this installation was created exactly 27 years ago.
Definitely it was the device that everyone must see. However, it is very interesting that they use the Commodore 64 without shutting it down since many years.
The system is based on a self-balancing bench for shaft balancing combined with a sinusoidal wave generator and piezoelectric sensors to measure the vibrations of the rotating shaft.
What is Commodore 64?
Especially young computer users may have no ideas what the Commodore 64 is. It’s the best-selling personal computer of all time. Commodore 64 was first introduced in January 1982 by Commodore Business Machines. Moreover, around 10,000 commercial software, including development tools, office applications and games, were prepared for this device. Despite the decline in demand in the United States in 1990, it remained popular in the UK and other European countries.
Additionally, Commodore said that generating the C64's floppy drive was more expensive than producing the C64 itself. Although the date was planned as 1995, the company went bankrupt one month later in April 1994. However, as a symbol of the 1980s, the Commodore 64 remains in our minds and hearts…
It’s very cold now in the city of Gdansk, where they use this fantastic device. Later in the Summer, we are planning to visit that auto repair shop and share our fantastic moments with you.